Rules for the Upcoming Coolhunting Show

Rules for the Online Coolhunt Show:
(Updated April 13, 2007)

These are the rules the authors have accepted for their live coolhunt program, airing here every weekday at 2:00 p.m. ET USA beginning Monday, April 16 through Friday, May 11, 2007.

- Each coolhunt involves:

1 site review
1 blog post
1 comment
1 connection

The comment must be on a 3rd party blog or discussion group. We are helping link COINs, and should post about the hunt somewhere other than the site being reviewed or the authors' sites.

A connection is an attempt to link with a person behind the site being reviewed. This connection might be IM, e-mail, voicemail, Skype, etc. Coolhunting is about networking with people, not just sites or companies.

- Speakers are asked to e-mail target URLs for each day's cool hunt to the other speakers at least 10 minutes in advance of the show.

- Only 2.5 people on stage at once: Author + Author or Author + Guest. Moderator is 1/2.

- No overt selling of products or services during the hunt.

- You must finish the hunt. Even if the phone's not working and the Internet's not working, our coolhunters will make every effort to post a new coolhunt every weekday and to complete interrupted hunts as soon as possible.

- Priority is given to recruiting guests from the comment pool over outside guests who are not participating in the coolhunt. If you would like to be a guest on the program, please express your interest here on the blog.


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