BMW i8 vs. Porsche 918 – which is cooler?
This is a simple example of Coolhunting over the internet. To start with, I would like to thank Professor Gloor for inviting me to write on Swarm Creativity blog. This was a study I did for the Collaborative Innovation Networks class in MIT Sloan, which was taught by Professor Gloor. The goal is to use variety of tools offered by Condor to compare people’s perception of products, and understand the difference between “cool” and “hot”. Both BMW i8 and Porsche 918 are plug-in hybrid sports cars. However, the Porsche is one of the fastest and most expensive supercars ever produced, and the BMW is more practical and “affordable” (about 1/6 the price tag of 918). The question is, which is cooler? Web Collector The Web Collector is a good place to begin because it offers a straight forward first look into the popularity of the subjects under examination. This is a data set that searches web pages updated between Sep 18 – 25 th with the term “bmw i8” or “porsche ...