Is Zimmerman guilty?

.... that's what the Twittersphere seems to think. The process in Florida, whether George Zimmerman killed teenager Trayvon Martin in cold blood is now resting with the jury. I quickly checked the Twittersphere through Condor Coolhunting, searching the most recent 2000 retweets for both "zimmerman guilty" and "zimmerman innocent". Drawing the retweet network leads to the following picture:

The size of each red circle denotes the number of followers of each twitterer, the connecting line between two circles A and B means B retweeting A. Looking at the betweenness of the circles tells that the guilty tweets carry a higher weight (0.74) compared to the innocent tweets (0.69), which means that the "guilty" tweets are retweeted more, and by more influential twitterers. The question now is: do the 6 jury members come to the same conclusion as the tweeting crowd?


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