Mitt or Barack? Who is more popular on the Web?
Today I decided to do some mid-term presidential elections coolhunting. Looking at the exchange of negative attacks between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, I was curious if I would see some reflection of this on Twitter, Blogs, Web pages, and online News. According to realclearpolitics aggregated polls , Obama was ahead in the polls today with 47% against 44.6% for Romney. The picture below shows today's tweets containing "obama president 2012" and "romney president 2012", confirming the polls: Each blue dot is a twitter user tweeting about Obama, each green dot is a twitter user tweeting about Romney, each red dot is a user tweeting about both. A connecting line means that a twitterer is retweeting another user. The dot labeled "obama president 2012 0.615" shows that the accumulated weight of the twitterers about Obama is 62%, while the dot labeled "romney president 2012 0.55" illustrates that the Twittersphere gives Romney a weight of 55%...