Newt or Mitt – the sequel - Florida
We did some more coolhunting on Twitter over the last few days to check out if the negative advertising blitz against Newt Gingrich that Mitt Romney is running right now in Florida has any impact on the Twittersphere. The answer is “Yes, by all means”, which explains why even in the Romney tweets Gingrich is the most prominent word in the term view, and Gingrich is much more central among twitterers than Romney in the combined Romney-Gingrich view in Florida. To measure that, we collected 4 twitter maps: 1. All the tweets in the US about Gingrich and Romney: As we can see, the twitterers about Gingrich tweet more, and they are also more important. The purple lines are the retweet network containing the words “gingrich” or “romney”. 2. All the tweets in Florida about Gingrich and Romney: In Florida, few people tweet about Romney compared to Gingrich. But let’s now look at what these people tweet about, when they tweet about Gingrich in Florida: This picture has been computed using Condo...