On March 11, 2012, the Swiss will vote on four national initiatives which have been launched by popular referendums. Among the 4 topics, the Swiss decide if they want to give themselves 6 weeks of vacations annually ("6 Wochen Ferien für alle"), whether the construction of second homes in holiday resorts shall be restricted (" Schluss mit Zweitwohnungen"), and whether saving for a first home shall be partially tax-excempt ("Bauspar-Initiative). Using Condor, I was curios to know what the Blogs, Websites, and Twitter would tell me, one week before the vote will take place, about Swiss public opinion and the outcome of the elections. First I checked Twitter. As the picture below shows, not much is going on on Twitter. I used the key words "zweitwohnungen (second homes)", "bausparen (saving for building)", and "6 wochen ferien (6 weeks of vacations)". Zweitwohnungen interests almost nobody, sven_infanger, and buercher are the most act...